In recent studies*, the presence of a doula in the labor and delivery room has been shown to decrease:
- Cesarean section rates by 40%
- Length of labor by 25%
- Epidural requests by up to 60%
- Use of pain medication by 31%
- Forceps deliveries by 34%
- Use of oxytocin by 50%
In addition to those amazing benefits, there are others:
- Having a doula gives you a better chance at having the type of birth experience you want.
- Women with doulas have an overall better perception and memory of their births afterward.
- Your medical expenses may be decreased.
- Parent-infant bonding and nursing are enhanced.
- Postpartum depression is less common and self-esteem and confidence are higher.
- Satisfaction with your partner may be significantly increased after the birth.
*Klaus MH, Kennell JH, Klaus PH. The Doula Book. 2nd Ed. Persus Publishing. 2002. p 98